"Shari was such a fun person," says Lindsay Kelstrom, Shari's friend since childhood and college roommate. "She was all about the experience. She wanted to travel and sky dive. She wanted to live her life and enjoy it."
Everyone who knew Shari Booth loved her. She was described by her family as being energetic, lively, caring, and vivacious.

"She always wanted a challenge," says Shari's mother. "When given the chance, Shari would take the horses no one else wanted to work with."
Her love of animals was very obvious - especially her love for horses. When she came to college, Shari even brought her horse, "Rooster," and boarded him near the university campus so she could feed him every night.

Shari also had a passion for sharing Jesus. She was very honest and sincere.
"She never sugar-coated anything," says Lindsay. "She gave it to you straight, and people loved that about her."

In spite of her serious, straight-forward side, Shari also knew how to have fun. A few days before the incident, Shari and a friend were enjoying the spring weather, driving through the countryside. At some point, someone had the idea of attempting a jaunt through a farmer's field.
Laughing, they bounced in the seats of Shari's pickup, making their way across the wheat field. Little did they know it had recently been watered...and the ground was an ocean of mud. They were soon very stuck, and were forced to abandon the truck in the middle of the field.

We will always remember Shari.

Click "Comments" below to leave your condolences, thoughts, and memories of Shari.
Thank you for sharing about Shari's life. She was a wonderful person.
Thank you for sharing. She must have been a wonderful person to know and love. I'm sorry I never had the opportunity to meet her.
An incredible gift to this world!! I did not have the honor of knowing Shari, but I can see she was God’s incredible gift to this world. Her memory will surly be God’s gift to all of her family and friends. Thank you for sharing your gift, Shari with all of us.
With Prayers
I never had the privilege of knowing her personally, but from all I have heard and seen she was a beautiful young woman.
We will all see her again!
I didn't have the opportunity to know Shari but she seems like she was a person worthing of getting to know. Know that I am praying for your family in this time of need.
I lived right next to Shari this year in the dorm and from the little times that we talked i knew that she was a cool person. I'm sorry that we didn't talk much,but you will be missed by conard 1st north. your next door neighbor Amber Fadell
Shari was a wonderful blessing to all of those around her. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.
It has been a very sad week here at Columbia Adventist Academy. We are already feeling the loss in a big way and we all miss Shari very much. It was a blessing to know her. Our hearts and prayers are with all of her family and friends.
So sorry to hear about your tragic loss. Losing a loved one is so very difficult, especially someone that has so much to offer this world. May you feel God's perfect peace through this difficult time. When I lost my brother, this poem was one that I found very encouraging, I hope that you will find comfort ...
Death is nothing at all,
I have only slipped away into the next room.
I am I, and you are you.
Whatever we were to each other, that we still are.
Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me
in the easy way which you always used to.
Put no difference in your tone,
wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed at the
little jokes we enjoyed together.
Pray, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be the household word that it always was.
Let it be spoken without affect,
without the trace of shadow on it.
Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same as it ever was, there is unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am waiting for you, for an interval,
somewhere very near, just around the corner.
All is well.
- Anonymous-
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.
The posted pictures of Shari tells all who didn’t know her, me included, that she was a joy to all who knew and loved her – the bright smile and adorable twinkle in her eyes is a clear indication. I look forward to meeting Shari in Heaven.
Although we did not personally know Shari, we heard so many wonderful stories about her life from her Aunt and Uncle, Lori and Bill. They liked to brag about Shari as though she was their child! (and as you know, there was a lot to brag about). Our thoughts and prayers are with all her family and friends at this very difficult time.
I didn't know her well, and I only saw her during class or hall worship, but I do know that she was absolutely hilarious. She and our RA would always poke fun at each other, and it made everyone else. She will be missed.
I am grateful to have had the chance to be one of Shari's teachers. I am deeply touched personally by this tragedy. My prayers to all who knew and loved her.
Family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers!!!
~ I will be attending the service at Meadowglade this coming Sabbath, ready to help in any way I can...
(Sean Carter's mom)
My heart is heavy and sad for the loss of this treasured young woman, so full of life and with so much life left to live.
I am profoundly saddened even though I never knew her, never met her in my life.
I was raised in and around College Place and grew up raising horses and competing in events at Pioneer Posse. When I was just a little girl, I once rode my pony all the way from our farm out by Stateline into College Place on a day when it was 108 degrees, because I was determined to get to see my great uncle from New York again before he returned there. I can imagine that Shari would have done the same kind of thing without hesitation.
Shari's horse looks so much like one of the horses, "Thunder", that I had years ago.
Seeing her and reading about her ability to train and compete on the most difficult animals resonates with me in a most personal way.
The fact that she was an Adventist and that she died at Rosario, which is a place that all of us love and have so many good memories of, just makes it all the sadder that she is gone.
For those who are left to mourn, Shari's death will have a profound effect, an everlasting effect on the lives of all of the young people she was closest to. My cousin Kenny Howell was a third year, pre-med student at Walla Walla College when he was killed by a train, August 5, 1965. His death changed the course of my life forever. It also led me to be baptized. Faith and hugs -- lots and lots of hugs -- sometimes just being held, will go a long way toward sustaining each other through this tragic time.
My heart and prayers go out to each of you were blessed to know Shari and with whom she shared her gifts, and especially for the family.
May the angels wrap their wings around you and hold you up to help you be strong through this unimaginably horrible and painful time of grieving.
The one and only good thing in it is, of course, that she new Jesus and that you/we can all have the hope that we will be reunited with her one day soon.
Come, Lord Jesus!
Jaynie Jones
(formerly Todorovich)
Having known Shari when she was at Meadow Glade Elementary, I remember those delightfully mischevious eyes. When she smiled, which was most of the time, her whole face lit up! Those around her brightened up because her attitude was contagious. By the remarks posted on this blog, it is obvious that Shari impacted those around her in a positive way.
Marsha, you are in my prayers. Leaning on Jesus will see you through until you meet Shari again when He comes.
I'm very sorry that Shari's friends and family are having to go on through life without her presence. I especially think of and pray for her mother who has lost her precious girl.
I hope that someday she will be found and the mysteries of her death be understood....but if not, trust that her Father in Heaven held her life in His hands and nothing happens that isn't in His Divine Plan.
Our family has prayed for all of you and will continue to do so.
May the Lord's comfort abound in these troubling times. Our thoughts and prayers are with each one connected to this special girl.
Both my son and daughter knew Shari
from Meadowglade while attending
first grade. My daughter fondly
recalls how Shari identified her name and spelling with the restaurant, Shari's, but quickly added it wasn't named after herself!
Evidence of a very bright, imaginative and lovely young lady.
My family and I offer our prayers
and support to the Booth family
and circle of friends.
We will claim His promise for
an eternal reunion!!
The Prossers.
I never knew Shari, but I know a mother's heart and the love for my daughter, a teacher's heart and love for my student and a lover of the water's heart and wonderful times I have had at Rosario thanks to her grandfather's vision.
My tears are mixed with those who share those parts. God didn't plan life this way, he planned eternal life. Our hope is to get back to His plan. My heart hurts for her loss.
I did not know Shari personally but can tell just by the reaction of the campus that she was greatly loved. Your family is in my prayers at this sad time. Rest easy knowing that Shari was in good terms with God. Eternity will be amazing.
I wish I had had a chance to get to know Shari in my work at WWU. I'm praying that you will feel the arms of Jesus holding you close in the coming days. We grieve with you and long for that joyful reunion on resurrection morning. --Bev
I wish I had had an opportunity to get to know Shari in my work at WWU. I pray that you will feel the arms of Jesus holding you close in the coming days. We grieve with you and long for that joyful reunion on the resurrection morning. --Bev
My thoughts and prayers go out to Shari's family at this time. I never had the opportunity to meet her, but I've nothing but good things. May God continue to bless Shari's friends and family.
Some people live more of life in twenty years than others of us live in eighty. If their life is cut short, even those of us who did not know them are affected by their courage and zest. While mourning the loss of their potential and our opportunity to have shared in their experience we are nonetheless inspired to follow their example; to care deeply for others and to take and drink heartily of challenge and adventure.
My heart goes out to her family, friends, to all who shared those last hours with her and to those who searched tirelessly for her. May God's presence lift your spirits and give you comfort and hope.
My thoughts and prayers are with your family. I am sorry that I never got a chance to know Shari but she sounds like a wonderful person. I hope to meet her someday in heaven.
Shari struck me with how to live life vibrantly and enjoy every minute, because each minute is a blessing and I'm so thankful I got to know her this past year. We can not take our lives for granted, nor the lives of our loved ones. Blessings and peace to you in this difficult time, my heart goes out to the family and close friends. May Jesus come back soon!
Thank you for sharing about Shari's exciting life. I never had a chance to meet her, but through what I have read she was a truly special person who is now resting in Jesus. Friends, let us remember that our lives are fragile and that we must live our lives as if Jesus would come today. We at Canadian University College will be remembering her family and friends in prayer. Let's keep the faith so one day we'll see Jesus and our sister Shari.
In Christ,
She is my physic lab partner this quarter. Her laughter was always presence on her beautiful smiling face.
Shari always had a smile on her face, I remember walking down the halls of CAA many times and hearing her laughter fill the entire room. I only wish I could have gotten to know her better. I was listening to a song yesterday by Leeland called Tears of the Saints and I know that the angels in heaven are sorrowing just as those that knew Shari are. But we can feel rest assured that the next thing she will see is God's open arms welcoming her into heaven.
The world is a little less bright without her... My prayers and thoughts to family and friends...
You're in my thoughts and prayers. so sorry for your loss of such a beautiful person.
I'll never forget the bright smiling girl that used to canter through the fields at top speed without a care in the world. Shari was such a beautiful soul. She had such a love for life and it showed in everything she did.
I can't believe that this amazing girl is gone. I still remember the first day we rode together, though she was younger her confidence intimidated me. WE developed a close friendship that revolved around horses and show jumping. Together we learned how to hit the fences and teased DeeDee because we talked during our entire lesson.
I remember when she lost Buck and what a hard hit that was. I hope he's up there looking out for her now. She'll need a horse after all... for Shari I don't think life existed without horses.
I love you girl and you will be sorely missed... I'll never forget hitting the fences with you and Jet. May God be with you and your family.
-Jessica Anderson... and Dreamer-
I remember seeing Shari at CAA walking around with Lindsey and her group of friends! She was always smiling and laughing at something, and she always made my day brighter. It was SO hard to not smile or laugh whenever I saw her! Music tours were always lots of fun with her on the same bus! It's hard to even begin to imagine anything bad happening to her. She's just too sweet!!! The only thing that I can say now, is that God has a plan...even though we may not know what it is now.
its so devastating that this had happened to such a Beautiful person. i had only begun to get to know Shari this last month or so and whenever i'm hanging out with her and her friends you cant help but just laugh and smile. they always were having a good time and uplifting each other. you could tell just from a glance that she could be the most nicest, mischievous, humorous character you could possibly meet. it was great just being around her because you would wonder "what does Shari have up her sleeve this time?" and it would never fail to make you laugh. she is truly someone to be envious of, and you can tell that God has blessed her continuously throughout her life. i remember the last friday she was here at WWU, we were in vespers and we were joking about life here at school by drawing a hot cartoony 5th grade looking girl and then theres a nerd right next to her and there were hearts floating above them and in big bold letters "LIFE AT WWU!" [no serious offense guys but we are an engineering school lol]then we laughed and she noticed my eyebrows curved up and tried to fix them then found they don't go down and we laughed some more. i thank God i had the privilege of knowing her for the little time i had. though i am rather disappointed and feel that i had ben robbed of a fun, outgoing, and bold and daring friend, i cannot wait to see her again. my heart goes out to her family especially and also to her friends, wherever they may be. i hope that Gods blessings be revealed through this terrible incident.
God Bless and may He see us through
I had only heard of Shari and this tradgedy thru my son and wife whom attend there at WWU. Also, a dear friend of Shari's. I heard she was a very sweet girl and just full of life. Truely it is so sad to have heard of this Great loss. I think of my own children and their love for life and Joy and Happiness in Jesus. I can't imagine such news! Yes, in viewing Shari's pics and not ever meeting her I can only see that she loved life and that Jesus shone thru it to others around her. What a Blessing she was to Everyone whom knew her. My prayers are to Marsha, her mother and those whom shari held dear. May God hold you close during this time and comfort you in losing your prescious daughter. Memories of a beautfil girl whom shared the Jesus you lived infront of her, to everyone she met. She shared the same passion of life that she found in Him, and lived each day to only shine His love to All. May you trust that the God whom brings life also in this world of sin, allows for death. Only for a time tho and we have the promise that we WILL see our loved ones again! May we with Hope in the loved ones we miss, continue to Live and Expect Great Things every day because of Gods Love and the Joy in Living Life to the fullest and Praising His Name! Truely our loved ones would wish this as we hold their memory and love for life. Truely we will see them again in the clouds of glory! You have and will be in our prayers.. Becky Harvey and family
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Shari's life, so young and promising. It is heartbreaking to miss her.
Having sat next to Shari in bible class for 7 weeks I didnt take the oppertunity to get to know her at all. I think the only words I spoke to her was when I asked her if our mid terms had been handed back one day.
I remember so many things about her though.
She was a great artist. She would draw on her notes every day we were in class. She mostly drew horses but she also drew alot of water scenes like beaches, ships, and dolphines.
I could also tell she had a great sense of humor when one day she wore a pare of socks with frogs and ice cream on them, or something like that.
Not being acquanted with Shari I actually miss her. Sitting next to an empty desk for the next 3 weeks remindes me about how much I missed out on if I had only taken the time to say "Hi, how are you today?", those 7 weeks i had the chance.
To the Columbia Academy class of ‘07 Shari was like glue, no wait – she was like SILLY STRING! She had a way of connecting with people. From the googly-eyed girl of her youth to the beautiful young woman she had become – she will be missed!
Meadow Glade is grieving today - but the knowledge of her love for Jesus will sustain us all in this time of grief because we have the hope of the resurrection.
Love and prayers to Marsha, Sarah & Sharla, family and friends.
Thoughts while sorrowing for Shari and her family and friends.
What Death Can Do – What Death Cannot Do:
Death can wound love, but it cannot destroy love.
Death can steal a loved one from you in this world, but it cannot steal a loved one from you forever.
Death can destroy dreams and shatter hope, but it cannot keep hope and dreams from rising again.
Death can tear at your heart,
but it cannot trap you beyond the reach of the great heart surgeon.
I go to La Sierra and heard the news at chapel. I never knew Shari, but I feel for her family and for her friends at school. This just shows how fragile life is. One thing Id like to say is that the sting of death has been taken away when Jesus died for our sins and resurrected. Death is just a sleep. Shari is sleeping, and finally at peace. Just wanted to say that we are thinking of Walla Walla, and CAA and praying for you guys.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
Your perfect love is casting out fear
And even when I’m caught in the middle of the storms of this life
I won’t turn back
I know You are near
And I will fear no evil
For my God is with me
And if my God is with me
Whom then shall I fear?
Whom then shall I fear?
Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let go
Lord, You never let go of me
-Matt Redman, You Never Let Go
I never knew Shari, but for some reason, her death has really got to me. I suppose it makes me realize how fragile life is, and how important it is to live every moment to the fullest for the God who holds us in His hands.
And sometimes it's easy to question why God would allow something like this...but I've chosen to believe that Shari is sleeping now, at complete peace - and the first thing she will see upon awakening is Jesus, waiting with open arms, to welcome her home.
Shari will certainly be missed, and believe me when I say that everybody who knows about this hurts with you.
But, like the hymn goes: "We have this hope that burns within our hearts."
I live in faith that I'll meet Shari someday, and that you'll see her again. Live in hope, keep the faith, and love one another in this awful time.
i went to school with sherri for two years. she equalled energy and laughter! i'm praying like crazy, all the time now for her family and friends, im praying for comfort and understanding.
When I first heard the news over the phone this morning, a wave of confusion and pain washed over me... Not knowing the details I found myself pondering, wondering if there was any way, by still being in her life, that I could have helped or protected her.
I only knew Shari for a few short years at Meadow Glade, but she was deffinately one of the people I meant to see again, to share enthusiasm with, to leave a lasting impression on each other... Shari did leave a wonderful impression on me, and the thing that sadens me, perhaps the most, is that I will never have the chance to make her days wonderful...
I'm certain Shari would have wanted everyone to live our best lives. So what ever you are doing now, stop, remember your that feeling you get when you do what it is that you love, feel that rising feeling in your cheast, were it would be when you have it, and use it, use it to get up and do something amazing. Do it for Shari.
Sending Love
-Scott Eirhart
Also, if anyone needs someone to talk to, who wants to feel better, That's sort of my thing. You can e-mail me at Jinks010@hotmail.com and we'll go from there.
If only there were something we could do to erase this last week. I've decided to read my Bible through for the first time starting in June, inspired by Shari. Let's all be there in heaven to meet her again! In the meantime, pray for her dear mom and sisters.
I add my condolences as another who never had the privilege of knowing Shari. It's easy to see that she was an amazing person. May you find comfort in the One who is comfort, and love in the One who is Love. I look forward to meeting her someday, and am praying for your family.
From what I remember about Shari she was such a fun loving girl. The smile on her face was always contagious and made anyone light up! She will be missed dearly. I pray for Marsha, Sarah, and Sharla, and other friends and family...May God wrap His arms around you all and give you comfort during this time.
We were saddened to learn of your great loss. Even though we didn't know your daughter, your family has always had a special place in our hearts. Our son Sam has his love for birds from Grandpa Ernest, and Grandma Dorothy was a special grandma to our two-Sam and Heather. We pray for the Lord's soon coming. Sincerely, Sam and Janet Tooley
I'm so sorry. I didn't know her but after what I read, I am ashamed I never met her. But I know I'll get to met her in Heaven. May the Holy Spirit comfort those who needs to be comforted. God Bless.
I had the chance to go to school with Shari and her older sisters. I remember Shari as a very sweet little girl and it sounds like she grew into a wonderful young woman. My thoughts and prayers are with the Booth family.
I didn't know Shari very well, but we used to live on the same hall, and we ate lunch together a couple of times. She was so happy, all the time. Everytime we past each other on campus, she would smile. Not very many people do that. She was hilarious, and a wonderful person. She is missed by everyone.
I live up in 100 Mile House BC Canada and was tremendously affected by the news coverage of Shari's disappearance. Only after I logged into the internet to find out if she was found did I find out she was a fellow SDA. Each day I think of her loss and how her mother must grieve. It is my hope that Shari will be found in order to give her the respect of a final resting place but know that if God wills differently, you will see her again - alive, vigorous, and ready to tackle the greatest horses in heaven. Sincerely, Melisa Robertson
I can't even begin to imagine what this must be like. I've known Shari since she was quite little. I have fond memories of being her counselor in Pathfinders one year, and swimming at the Kelstrom's with her and Lindsay during summers.
She will be greatly missed. I am praying for you all! I can't wait for the return of our Lord and the day we will see Shari again!
My prayers are with all of you and will continue to be. I pray we are all united when He comes. Chris Clemons
Nothing I can say will erase the hurt, but I want you to know that there are a lot of people at Walla Walla University praying for you and your family and friends. May the comfort of the Good Shepherd surround you with peace in this time of sadness.
I read this Bible verse the other morning and thought of your family. Pslams 34:18 - "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and He saves those whose spirits have been crushed." I pray God will continue to comfort you, and we will all look forward to the day when we can see Shari again in Heaven.
I live near. I heard the helicopter and said a little prayer. Now to see the face of such a beautiful person makes my heart ache again. Shari has touched my life and I never even met her. What a joy to have someone in your lives that was so wonderful. She will live on in your hearts.
I didn't know Shari well, but I sure wish I would have!! She sounds like an AMAZING person!! I wish I could have done more when I was in that boat!!!!! I meet Shari first quarter in Western Civ. I would always sit with her during class and everyday was the samething.....she would be drawing the same picture of a horse; that now I know it was hers. I also road up with her to rosario, during does fun 6 hours of car drive I got to hear many stories. She told me how she wanted to be a Vet and how she was going to Italy next year. She also told me a funnie story that happen to her on friday night.....lol lets leave it at that =) I also played cards with her, which may I say SHE IS WAY TOOOOOOO GOOD! And man oh man she absolutely LOVED COUNTRY music!!! =) Even though I didn't get to meet Shari more I know that she was a fun person, always smiling! She was smart....how do I know that? Well she LOVED TO READ....for FUN!! Weird I know, but hey she loved it! Going back to first quarter.....i'm not gonna lie but we had the most boring teacher....he was nice but boring and well Shari always made it fun, especially with her drawings! I will miss Shari dearly and all I can say is......I CAN WAIT TO GET TO SEE HER IN HEAVEN!! That will be my chance to get to know her to the fullest =) and well I just cant wait, I know its going to be good times!! To her mom I want to tell you that I admire you to the fullest, you are an amazing person! If you ever want to talk to me be about Shari please feel free to e-mail me at: haslel_e_t@hotmail.com once you e-mail me I can give you my number....I just dont feel comfortable leaving it here =) Hope to hear from you soon! God Bless!!!
Sometimes words are so inadequate! I have so many thoughts and emotions running through my heart right now. I am glad I could go to the memorial service for Shari here at WWU. It was beautiful-- just like Shari. I know she would have been pleased. I have 5 young adult children close to Shari's age and I'm also a widow and a student. In the summer of 84' I had the privilege of spending the Summer studying, diving and worshiping at Rosario.
So, I have been touched and blessed many times by Shari and her family.
I have been praying and will continue to pray for you. Thank you for sharing Shari with us... Colleen
Our heart felt condolences to Shari's family and friends.
During the search for Shari, we saw the out-puring of support for the family and also the university. We could tell that Shari was a very special person, loved by many.
We, as the search team, are greatly saddened that we could not find Shari, to return her to her family. We wish we could do more, and will keep Shari on our minds for a long time to come.
Personally, I said many prayers while people were search and also while I was underwater looking on the last day of the search. God has a reason, though we don't understand.
God bless the family during this time and in the future.
Skagit Dive Rescue
How our hearts go out to Marsha, her family, and friends. We were privileged to attend her memorial service at Meadowglade Church this past Sabbath, and it brought back some sad memories of my nephew's (Brandon Moor) service there a little over 3 years ago. It was a beautiful, bittersweet service, as we all celebrated and mourned Shari. It struck me again, how WRONG, our saying goodbye to one so young, who lived life to the fullest, for God and others, is! As someone said before, what a gift to our world she was. Tho' we didn't know her well, personally,we remember her growing up years at Meadowglade, and her beautiful, contagious smile, and obvious zest for life! It's so hard to understand why God allows such tragedies...but we KNOW that He cares so much for Shari's family and friends, and promises to be with us through whatever life hands us. The verse on the back of Shari's memorial folder was so perfect and fitting...and a beautiful reminder to us all. We look forward to Christ's soon return when we'll be reunited with our loved ones and Jesus! That's going to be an awesome reunion! You're all in our thoughts and prayers! Come quickly Lord Jesus!
Shari was an incredibly enthusiastic person who loved living. I saw this in the one time I hung out with her and some other friends on our way up to Rosario for the Biology/Math Clubs retreat back in April. Her laugh was contagious and her smile, beautiful. She will be missed by so many.
I really met Shari through all the people who knew her and have told me about her life, and also in the rememberance article that was written about her, but I honestly look forward to meeting her in person some day. What a woman! Her life sounds like it was quite a compliment to her Creator. Even now, her existence stands as a blessing.
Dear Marsha,
I just heard about the loss of your wonderful daughter, Shari. My heart just aches for you and your family. Please know that you are constantly in my prayers.
I'm looking forward to meeting Shari when Jesus comes. What a blessed day that will be!!
May Jesus comfort you with His love.
Your friend, Vicki
Shari was always smiling when I saw her. She would try to keep a straight face, but in the end she would break out laughing. She had a gift of cheered up everyone around her. She will be greatly missed.
shari, i miss you so much. your soul was nothing less then amazing. your laughter rang through the barn, and your singing was even better. i will forever and always cherish the 4 years i spent seeing you every day. i look at your picture everynight before bed and just try and remember how happy you were. if i could only have a little bit more of you in me to share with others...if only everyone could have a little bit of you...the world would be incredible. i miss you.
To the family and friends of Shari Booth. I'm so sad that this tragedy has happened. Words can't even express this confusion. What a wonderful person to not have in this world anymore!! She was too good for this world! I think God must have taken her early maybe because He is being selfish :) I have been closely tied to members of the family for a long time. I was so sad to have to say goodbye to Shari with her family only a couple years after we said goodbye to her father Lowell. It was very similar to the memorial service of Brandon Moor (who touched everyone in an incredible way as well). There were so many people in the church, there weren't enough seats for everyone! The best memories I have of her are when she would bug Sharla to no end trying to get attention when she was a little girl and I would stay the night. I couldn't believe the last time I saw her at the fall festival and she was a gorgeous woman! You could tell she had a fire inside of her that would inevitably touch everyone around her. Even though I am not family, I am truly touched by all of the comments I have been reading especially from those who never even met her. I can only hope that people I have never met and especially those that I have met will be writing such good things about me when I am gone. In Christ,
We remember Shari from 4-H a few years back. It is so sad to think we would never see her again. She was in the process of providing a wonderful contribution to society with the biology and yet living life to the fullest. She will remain an example to all of us of how to live life. I will think of her every time we go to the fairgrounds. I am so sorry for you loss. God bless you through this dificult time. Angie Bernath, Tiffany Bernath & Julianne Bernath
Shari was an amazing person, I never got the chance to really know her until her senior year at CAA when i had the opportunity to have the same study hall with her. She always found ways to make me smile and laugh, whether it was her smile that would light up the room or her attempts to give her "evil glare" to our supervisor mr. rowe to only burst into laughter. And to have Pre-Calc class with her was a blast!! I was shocked when she signed me yearbook and told me i was a sunshine in her life when really she was all that and more for me. Shari is deeply missed by all but i hold to the fact that we will see her again, hopefully really soon!
I cannot believe it has been 5 months since we lost Shari. She was a wonderful daughter and I miss her so very much. Your comments have touched all of us in her family. Thank you so much for sharing them. We look forward to the day when we will see her again at Jesus glorious return.
I cannot believe it has been 5 months since we lost Shari. She was a wonderful daughter and I miss her so very much. Thank you for all the comments and support. It means a lot to our family. We look forward to the day when Jesus returns and we can see her again.
I just want you to know that even after all these months, your loss has not been forgotten. I am still praying for you.
Walla Walla U
I dream about you often. I miss you so much. Sometimes my dreams are so real, us riding through the fields just like the old times. I heard this song the other day...it's so you.
"Loved ones she left behind
Just trying to survive
And understand the why
Feeling so lost inside
Anger shot straight at God
Then asking for His love
Empty with disbelief
Just hoping that maybe
She flew up to Heaven on the wings of angels
By the clouds and stars and passed where no one sees
And she walks with Jesus and her loved ones waiting
And I know she's smiling saying
Don't worry 'bout me
It's hard to say goodbye
Her picture in my mind
Will always be of times I'll cherish
And I won't cry 'cause
She flew up to Heaven on the wings of angels
By the clouds and stars and passed where no one sees
And she walks with jesus and her loved ones waiting
And I know she's smiling saying
Don't worry 'bout me"
-Jessica & Dreamer-
It's hard to understand that losing Shari could still hurt so much. I feel like I think about her more now than I did two years ago. Shari and I grew up together. She was like my sister. So much life has happened since she's been gone. I believe that we will see her again, but that isn't always consoling. I wish she was here now to share all the ups and downs. We always talked about being neighbors when we got older, we were that inseparable. I miss her so much.
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